Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Badru the logic behind the holy months of 
Fasting is obligatory for every muslem with shahadah mature and normal healthy,you should not be sick.
Anyway if you're sick the penalty is you have to feed sixty muslems the whole months of Ramadhan for you to get the rewards of fasting.
GOD says in Hadith Al qudusi( fasting belongs to me and only GOD knows the payment of fasting)and this is the main logic behind why muslems have to fast 30 days of the whole months of Ramadhan like the Quran says"ayaamul ma aduudat"that days are countable just 30days and then we go the celebration of iddi Al adhuha.
Otherwise for more religious lectures

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Badru the logic behind the holy months of

Badru realize the values of the holy book qura'an alkarim @kanzirarecor...

badru reciting surat muhammad @arrowsrecordsandstudiose allseasons (kata...

Sunday, November 6, 2022

badru its just a deflection of love we are always given 

www.kanzirakamurasi@murekyezi.comWhy do I say so , people claiming to be your friends and at the end they sell you to your enemies, that's not brotherhood and that has never been love.
Things like aman bitting his wife all the times and people calling that love, that's pain and this is how I can describe that situation, at times it behaves like arevenge from your loved ones.
Here @arrowsrecords we look at the sence of humankinde, GOD'S approach, your final decisions will always creat your last image in the public , and that will always be how you used to think of your future.
You help someone thinking that one time he or she will always be close, at the same time he says and that's why you failed and your alooser everywhere. 



Arrows records and studiose