Showing posts with label arrowsrecordsandstudiose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arrowsrecordsandstudiose. Show all posts

Friday, June 23, 2023


Am deed
ARROWS RECORDS AND STUDIOSE I can't believe that iam stil alive my lord,big up for that,let me reminde you my lord i was torchered by un known creatuers in my life claiming to be my friends others are even my family members,but you never left me alone, i have never replied those people who torchered me couse when you look @ them , they are nothing not even creative neither productive as if they wanted to eat me all, anywy my lord let me hand you that chapter since i trust your purnishements my prayer is that never forgive them, nothing i did to them but they always intimidate me in everything to an extent i lost everything of mine becouse of those creatures,i have been in pain my lord,please my lord hold me back and always put your mercy on me my lord. MY lord let me appriciate you how your always feeding me ,imagine spending years jobless but eating ,drinking,sleeping,breathing well, thank you my lord, your so greet and you will always be my everything,[inshaalah] i know you know me well since iam always your creature. my lord i would like you to know that your my flag [LAA ILLAHA ILLAHU

Thursday, May 18, 2023

The Chain Of
ARROWS RECORDS AND STUDIOSE Blessings means being gifted in life like being cleaver,being rich,being creative,being beautiful,being handsome and being with that sence of human. Branches Of Blessings. 1 Working on halaali [accepted] and a bondoning harram [not accepted] like prophet muhamad peace be upon him says [halaal is explained and harram is also explained] and GOD says in the quraan [Every thing that was given to you by the prophet you get it, and every thing that was prohibited to you, you should abondon it] 2 Being with knowledge and informed,here your able to deffinitiate between right and wrong brings blessings. 3 Praying as recomended by the prophet like prophet muhamad peace be upon him says[Pray like the way you see me praying] you will need to follow the precriptions and conditions neccesary for praying,you dont just pray like your thoughts. 4 Being faithful and believing in the oneness of GOD [tawheed] brings blessings,but it doesnot mean that you will not get problems,GOD says in the quraan [I will test ahumanbeing to see who has a strong faith] and in another verse GOD says [you will not say that your believers without being tested] at times blessings will reach you inform of hardship and this is why GOD says in the quraan [After a hard way there is an easy way] so always be patient before your judgements. 5 Keeping your self in the mosque most of your times can bring blessings to you like prophet muhamad peace be upon him says[whoever gives the mosque time ,then its a clarification that he fears GOD]. 6 A voiding bad places and evil people can bring blessings. 7 Being patient and righteous creates a room for blessings. NB Never think of going to witch craft or a sheikh or a paster for you to get those blessings,you will be chited and GOD will always put his unger on you and you will live a carsed life my brothers and sisters out there,remember your blessings are written in GODS book [lawhil mahfuudhi] what is yours will always be yours no matter what sitution no matter what location,no matter if your a muslem no matter if your a christian. for more lectures subscribe here you can visit our blogsites down here

Wednesday, May 3, 2023


ARROWS RECORDS AND STUDIOSE The quraan says in surat aruumi verse 30 [put your vision on atrue faith,in which the creation of man was made,that is acomplet faith,even if most people dont know that]and in surat ali imran verse 19 [truely the right religion infront of GOD is islam]. Everything i have written above is an indication that GOD created every one in the image of islam,and this is why when achild is born after afew period of time he will begin asking his father or mother but who is GOD,where does GOD stay things like that. If you read the quraan very well you will find that all prophets were muslems and thats the main reasons why they were sent to the world, They came to preach and teach the oneness of GOD[tawheed]every one believes that GOD created everything we see and everything we dont see. Years before peaple used to worship idols as there GOD just becouse they lacked information about GOD and thats why prophets were sent to prove people that GOD is there and should be worshiped alone without being associated with anything else. GOD gives us life and he also takes that life and why do you think its like that,that means we have aquestion to answer. otherwise for more religious lectures subsrcibe to you can visit us here

Thursday, April 27, 2023

badru don't get exposed to the devil

badru bring GOD into your life

Saturday, April 15, 2023

badru the night of power(lailatul qadir) 



Arrows records and studiose