If you're to understand Islam,then you have to master the meaning of the five pillars of Islam and the six pillars of faith (imaan).
Where by the first pillar(shahadah)laa ilaaha ila llahu, Muhammad abduhu warasuluhu.
This is the pillar that makes someone a Muslim and is the main branch of faith.
Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him says "whoever dies and his last word is laa ilaaha illa llahu , Muhammad abduhu warasuluhu GOD will automatically give him paradise".
Laa ilaaha illa laahu, Muhammad abduhu warasuluhu is an indication and an aggrement between you and GOD,you swear that you will always worship GOD alone and you also accept prophet Muhammad peace be upon him as your teacher and as a prophet of GOD and you will always work according to his teachings.
GOD says in the Quran"you won't say that your believers without being tested",he also says in surat Muhammad verse 30 "and we shall test your faith until we can know who is more strong and patient"prophet Muhammad peace be upon him says(GOD doesn't harden for non believers but he makes it difficult for believers), like wise we work hard to find happiness of this world and even to get GOD'S paradise then we need to learn about GOD, HE really needs our time and this is why the second pillar in Islam is to pray five times a day.
Prayer is asign of obidience and kindness towards GOD.
Prayer is one of quickest way to communicate to GOD.
We open prayer by takbirat ihraam (allahu Akbar) meaning that GOD is great and we end our prayers with the (assalamualaikum warahmatullah)which is asign of peace.
Make sure you learn aproper mode of praying to your GOD if you're amuslim.
Always give out from your wealth,so that your business can succeed and this is the third pillar of Islam and this is called zakaat(purification)it's called zakaat because it purifies and increases our wealth and also brings blessings.
Zakaat is categoriesed in two ways.
1 zakaat alfitir which is given at the end of the months of Ramadan,it should be given before iddi prayer.
Zakaat alfitir is given out to make our fasting be accepted by GOD,this brings back the sence of love and unity,where by after the collection of zakatul fitir even the poor muslems will be able celebrate iddi day and that's why Islam is blessed in all ways.
2 zakatul maali (wealth purification) this type of zakaat is always given out by muslems business people whoever reaches the qualification limit which is called nisab.
Nisab is calculated differently every type of business has its own qualifications.
If you master all the five pillars of Islam and work upon these pillars then you will automatically gain faith and you will understand Islam easily and trust me you will enjoy Islam.
Like prophet Muhammad peace be upon him says "Islam is built on five pillars and whoever fulfills them you will have made Islam complet and whoever breaks any pillar you will have broken Islam"
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