Showing posts with label Kanzira records and edutainment. Arrowsrecordsandstudiose allseasons Kamurasi@murekyezi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kanzira records and edutainment. Arrowsrecordsandstudiose allseasons Kamurasi@murekyezi. Show all posts

Sunday, October 13, 2024

badru seven things that can bring more money (rizk) to a muslim@kanzirar...

Monday, October 30, 2023

badru is this

Thursday, April 27, 2023

badru bring GOD into your life

Sunday, November 6, 2022

badru its just a deflection of love we are always given 

www.kanzirakamurasi@murekyezi.comWhy do I say so , people claiming to be your friends and at the end they sell you to your enemies, that's not brotherhood and that has never been love.
Things like aman bitting his wife all the times and people calling that love, that's pain and this is how I can describe that situation, at times it behaves like arevenge from your loved ones.
Here @arrowsrecords we look at the sence of humankinde, GOD'S approach, your final decisions will always creat your last image in the public , and that will always be how you used to think of your future.
You help someone thinking that one time he or she will always be close, at the same time he says and that's why you failed and your alooser everywhere. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

badru death against life @arrowsrecordsandstudiose allseasons

Death is so scaring,but we need to be patient about allah'kadha(wil),anything that has life must taste death,.
Death is one of great sign that judgement is there,death also shows that one time the earth will be empty,,
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