Saturday, April 8, 2023


ARROWS RECORDS AND STUDIOSE: ALWAYS THINK TWICE BEFORE YOUR ACTIONS: arrowsrecorecordsandstudioseallseasons100 If your to think,then you should always have two alternatives,where by you may be able to archieve...

Tuesday, April 4, 2023


ARROWS RECORDS AND STUDIOSE GOD swears in the quraan about the last ten nights of the holy months of ramadhan. these last ten nights of ramadhan are very special and important to every muslem out there. The quraan was revealed in these last nights and this is why we get the night of power. GOD says in the quraan [truly we sent this quraan in the night of power] he also says [The night of power is better than 1000 months] and this shows the value of the night of power. prophet muhamad peace be upon him tought us how to target the night of powers,anywy in these nights he used not to sleep,he also says we should target the odd dates i.e 21st,23rd,25fth,27th,29th. whoever gets that night of power then thats direct paradise and forgiveness. And this is the logic and the indications why we should fast the holy months of ramadhan becouse its full of bleasings ,full of forgiveness otherwise for more religious lectures get intouch with us here you can visit our blogsites down here ka

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


ARROWS RECORDS AND STUDIOSE fighting one another has never been a development neither an archievment. coming back together brings back that sence of human and love. put this into your mindes that our root is sand and our father is adam and eve. At times we fight to be recognised but we end up lossing all our reasources and going to exile. Remember we need each other at acertain extent,you cant live in this world alone then you should think twice always. Like umar ibn al khatwaab the second khalifa in islam says [no islam apart from working together] all we need to do is that we need a law and aright judgement,every one should own his life the way GOD gave it to him. Anywy GOD does not purnish ahuman being on this world for his mistakes,he just gives him time to repent and seek for his forgiveness. Here comes a question ,have you ever had some one has died becouse he has not been worshiping GOD,or praying to GOD. GOD just leaves us free so that we can do what we feel is right, GOD says in the quraan in surat shurai verse 20 [Whoever needs to inherit the last hour thats judgement day ,we shall make it possible for him,and whoever needs to inherit this world we shall give him everything but at the end you will be with nothing and insteed you will see GODs purnishments upon you]. only GOD gives life and only GOD takes his life a way and thats not a trouble infront of GOD. GOD says in the quraan [every soul shall test death] but this doesnot mean we should fight one another neither to kill one another. prophet muhamad peace be upon him says that in one of seven things that will destroy a humanbeing is killing some one for no reason. GOD says in the quraan [And say the truth from your lord to them and whoever likes it let him believe in it and whoever hates it let him abondon it]this shows that you hold all the decisions,your free to accept GOD into your life and your also free to do anything you feel like with your life,but dont forget your death and judgement day when you will be questioned everything you did in this world. if you need GODs paradise ,then you should accept him in your life and also follow the prophets teaching and work upon the 4 books i.e the quraan,the injiil , the zabuur, the tawraat and also believe in all prophets. if you dont bring GOD into your life then just expect to be taken by the devil ,you like it or not you will serve the devil. GOD says in the quraan[truly i know what is hidden and all your secrets]. in my conclusion i say ,we realy need to always look at what is next in our lives and be obidient to GODS command,we should know that paradise is true and hell fire is also true,we shall always see this when death is knocking our doors. otherwise for more religious lectures subsribe here or you can vi@sit our blogsites down here

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

badru what is ramadhan

badru use your hands for your living

Its good to use your hands for your life
Using your hands means working for your self so that you can get a better living like prophet muhamad peace be upon him says (a good way to find what to eat is using your hands) 

Friday, March 3, 2023

what you should know about GOD

ARROWS RECORDS AND STUDIOSE GOD is perfect,GOD is merceful to everyone,GOD is trust worthy. GOD is not human but he is a creater for everything we see in this world. GOD does not betray,GOD feeds ahumanbeing even if you dont believe in him and even if you dont worship him. GOD is confident in everything and looks at everyone the way you look at yourself. remember GOD has no family,for us to be his friend its throw praying to him. like he says to moses peace be upon him[when GOD says to moses at mount sinayi,iam your lord who doesnot resemble any one so pray to me for my rememberence] for more information get our lectures down here you can visit our bolgsites here

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

badru the value of letter d 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Happiness and life style

Happiness is the feeling of joy,mostly like the celebration you make after archieving your dreams.
Like you meet the right person and then you make a weeding, the feelings you get on your weeding day , i just call that your happiness.
At times we create happiness by creating our moods,our hobbies, habits, behaviuors.
People like being happy but they end up not getting that happiness.
But it's not there fault neither our fault,we just see things happening,I just call that GOD'S will.

Love is also happiness,being kinde to people can also bring happiness.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Badru the logic behind the holy months of 
Fasting is obligatory for every muslem with shahadah mature and normal healthy,you should not be sick.
Anyway if you're sick the penalty is you have to feed sixty muslems the whole months of Ramadhan for you to get the rewards of fasting.
GOD says in Hadith Al qudusi( fasting belongs to me and only GOD knows the payment of fasting)and this is the main logic behind why muslems have to fast 30 days of the whole months of Ramadhan like the Quran says"ayaamul ma aduudat"that days are countable just 30days and then we go the celebration of iddi Al adhuha.
Otherwise for more religious lectures

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Badru the logic behind the holy months of

Badru realize the values of the holy book qura'an alkarim @kanzirarecor...

badru reciting surat muhammad @arrowsrecordsandstudiose allseasons (kata...

Sunday, November 6, 2022

badru its just a deflection of love we are always given 

www.kanzirakamurasi@murekyezi.comWhy do I say so , people claiming to be your friends and at the end they sell you to your enemies, that's not brotherhood and that has never been love.
Things like aman bitting his wife all the times and people calling that love, that's pain and this is how I can describe that situation, at times it behaves like arevenge from your loved ones.
Here @arrowsrecords we look at the sence of humankinde, GOD'S approach, your final decisions will always creat your last image in the public , and that will always be how you used to think of your future.
You help someone thinking that one time he or she will always be close, at the same time he says and that's why you failed and your alooser everywhere. 



Arrows records and studiose